Where High Quality and Fast Turnaround is a MUST!

Contact Us for ALL your Machining Needs!

CNC Custom Machining is your one stop Machine Shop, in Canton Ohio, for your large production runs or your single piece needs. We utilize CNC mills and lathes along with all the manual and automated drilling and tapping equipment, that is needed to get the parts you need in a timely and efficient manner! We machine All kinds of material, including but not limited to: aluminum, zinc, brass, nylon, plastics, stainless steel, cast metals, and others!

Wholesalers and distributors! If the original manufacturer does not supply the parts to you anymore or has discontinued them, Contact us now! We can make them! There is no reason for you to obsolete items because of that.

CNC Custom Machining Inc.

1314 Henry Ave SW
Canton, OH 44706

Ph 330-456-5868

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Email questions and drawings to:

[email protected]